Variable Speed Systems

Fault Code Retrieval: This video will show you how to get the fault codes out of the user interface to help troubleshoot the system.

Forced Fault Code retrieval: This video will show you how to place the outdoor unit into a force code recall in the event your unit is not reporting fault codes but yet is not operating when told to.

Charging with the User Interface: This video will show you the 2 methods to charge a variable speed system and how to navigate the User interface for charging.

Airflow Verification Test: This will walk you thru how to put the User Interface into the Airflow Verification process to check the duct system static and the blower motor RPM’s.

Recovery & Evacuation operation: This will walk you thru to to navigate the service menu to make sure the EXV is open so you can ensure you can remove all the refrigerant from the system for a refrigerant repair.

Code 16 Communication Fault: This video will walk you thru how to troubleshoot the communicating circuit.

How to use the User Interface as a Service Tool: In this video we will show you how you can use a second user interface as a tool to help reduce the time on a service call.

Code 25 Model Plug Fault: This video will cover how to test the model plug.

Code 41 (blower motor fault) : This process works on the FE4 Fan coil as well.

High Pressure Protection operation: This explains how the high protection operation operates on the Next Gen System.

Low Pressure Protection operation: This explains how the high protection operation operates on the Next Gen System.

Pressure Transducer Testing: This will show you how to check a pressure transducer.

EXV Troubleshooting & Testing: Here we will walk you thru how to ohm the stepper motor and then test the valve to make sure it mechanically works.

Thermistor Testing: Codes 51-54 all relate to a thermistor issue.

Next Generation Condenser Fan Motor: This video will show you how to test the Next Gen condenser fan motor. It is different then the 5-stage condenser motor.

Troubleshooting the FV/FK ECM Motor & X13 Motor: This guide will assist in troubleshooting the 16-pin Variable Speed and X-13 motors.

Code 69 25VNA0/280ANV Heat Pumps, 24VNA/180CNV AC units; First check the compressor windings, and to ground at the compressor terminal head. This test will help check for a locked up compressor. If the board generates a code 79 with the compressor disconnected then this is most likely a locked up compressor.

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